@Article{ AUTHOR = {Henein, Michael Henein and Takla, Hany N. Takla and Azer, Shereen Azer}, TITLE = {TEACH - JCS Policy}, JOURNAL = {TEACH - Journal of Christian Studies}, VOLUME = {1}, YEAR = {2021}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {0--0}, URL = {https://teach-christianstudiesjournal.jams.pub/article/1/1/151}, ISSN = {2635-0947}, ABSTRACT = {TEACH - Journal of Christian Studies (JCS) is an international peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing high quality reports, studies, and review articles covering all aspects of Christian Heritage and Sciences. The journal commissions high quality review articles and editorials from distinguished authors and also welcomes full length original research and review articles, concise reports and letters to the editor. Additionally, JCS aims at publishing well searched controversial issues, with academically balanced evidence-based opinion, consequently establishing a platform for international researchers and scientists to meet and exchange findings, opinions and ideas.}, DOI = {10.35995/teach-jcs1010001} }